Copyright © Woosh Rocketry 2024

JZ Farm 

​​​​​The landowner has given WOOSH permission to use this location for club launches.

Do not use this site at any time other than scheduled club launches.

This field supports small rockets and motors along with some mid-power, depending on the wind speed and direction. All JZ  Farm launches are BYO pad and controller.  Motors E and above require 30' safe distance, make sure your controllers have leads at least this long.  Club members may use the field on scheduled dates, but attendance varies due to personal schedules, weather, and conflicts with other rocketry events.  Maximum F motor impulse allowed (80 N-s).  Rockets must be < 1500g (3.3lbs), fully prepped, and propellant < 125g, as there is no waiver.

All trash (motor packages, motors, igniters, igniter plugs, wadding, food or beverage containers, etc.) must be removed from the area. Please leave the area as clean as you found it.


Parking arrangements are yet to be determined, please do not drive onto the property without direction from WOOSH officials.  Watch for announcements on the club email list.